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Recent newsJuly 20, 2020
Informing reform efforts in Albania with regional best practices and peer learning exchanges among policymakers, experts and practitioners
In partnership with the USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project in Albania (PLGP), NALAS prepared...
Recent newsJune 25, 2020
NALAS joins UCLG Local Economic and Social Development Commission
NALAS is pleased to become a member of the United Cities and Local Governments –...
Recent newsJune 23, 2020
NALAS members exchanged their experiences in post COVID-19 reopening and recovery
An online meeting of the NALAS Committee of Liaison Officers took place today. The new...
AnnouncementsJune 22, 2020
Call for Applications for Project Coordinator
In order to support the implementation of the activities of its member ZELS in the...
Recent newsJune 19, 2020
“How to organize a webinar” by RCDN
On 18 June 2020, the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN)...
Recent newsJune 18, 2020
Join us for the upcoming NALAS Webinars on Best Practices in Financing Local Governments
NALAS and USAID’s – Planning and Local Governance Project in Albania (PLGP), are organizing two...