NALAS Vice-Presidents
NALAS has a rotation Presidency system, with a President and three Vice-Presidents, who later become NALAS Presidents. The Vice-Presidents are mayors, nominated by the member LGAs and appointed by the General Assembly and represent NALAS at various events. In addition, they support the work of the Executive Bureau.
Current NALAS Vice-Presidents are: Mr. Marko Filipović, Mayor of Rijeka, Association of Cities of Croatia, Mr. Emil Drăghici, Mayor of Vulcana-Bai, Association of Communes of Romania and Mr. Agim Aliu, Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac, Association of Kosovo Municipalities.

Previous Nalas Presidents

NALAS General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest decision making of NALAS. Each full member is represented by two local elected representatives, Mayors and /or local councilors, each of whom has one vote.
The General Assembly meets on annual basis.

NALAS Committee of Liason Officers
The Committee of Liaison Officers is the chief governing body of NALAS. It is composed of: the President, the three Vice-Presidents, the Liaison Officers appointed by full members, two liaison officers appointed by the associate members, the President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (permanent seat in its quality of founder of NALAS stated in the preamble), the Executive Director and the Treasurer.