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Recent newsMarch 29, 2012
Seventh gathering of the NALAS General Assembly
The General Assembly of NALAS, consisting of 2 mayors from each member association, held its...
Policy Papers, Recent newsMarch 29, 2012
Pristina Declaration on Renewing Commitment to Fiscal Decentralization in South East Europe
The Seventh NALAS General Assembly Meeting took place in Prishtina, on 29th and 30th March...
Recent newsMarch 12, 2012
Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe NALAS shared the local government...
Recent newsMarch 8, 2012
13th Conference on e-Governance in Sofia
ICT Media initiate the organization of the 13th edition of the conference “E-Government – From...
AnnouncementsFebruary 24, 2012
Calls for experts for Development of a Cost and Financing Model in Solid Waste Management
NALAS is starting a project on Development of a Cost and Financing Model in Solid...
AnnouncementsFebruary 4, 2012
Call for offers for translation
NALAS announces call for offers in connection with the activities of its upcoming General Assembly...