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Recent newsApril 7, 2015
Call for Regional Expert in Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in SEE
NALAS is seeking for competent Regional Expert on Municipal Solid Waste Management who will develop...
AnnouncementsApril 7, 2015
Call for Regional Expert in Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in SEE
The responsibility for municipal waste within the region of SEE primarily lies with the public...
Recent newsMarch 27, 2015
Fiscal Decentralization Task Force discusses Gender Responsive Budgeting at the Local Level
The members of the NALAS Task Force on Fiscal Decentralisation met from 25-26 March 2015...
PublicationsMarch 19, 2015
NALAS Fiscal Decentralization Indicators Report for South-East Europe 2006-2013
We are happy to share with you the new NALAS Fiscal Decentralization Indicators Report for...
PublicationsMarch 19, 2015
Responding to Emergency Situations: Guidelines for Local Government Associations
South-East E urope region is increasingly threatened by various types of natural disasters (floods, droughts,...
Recent newsMarch 19, 2015
NALAS Task Force in Solid Waste and Water Management meets in Bijeljina
From 18-19 March 2015, NALAS Task Force in Solid Waste and Water Management held its...