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Press ReleasesMay 15, 2015
Plovdiv 2015: Annual Forum of Local Authorities of South East Europe
Plovdiv, 15 May 2015–Hundres of Mayors from twelve countries of South-East Europe will come to...
Recent newsMay 14, 2015
Counting down to Plovdiv 2015 Annual Forum of Local Authorities of South-East Europe
We’re all counting down until the start of the most amazing event for 2015 that...
Recent newsMay 4, 2015
Call for a Regional Expert in SWIS and CFM
Within the project “Solid Waste Data Collection in SEE” and its second component, development of...
Recent newsApril 23, 2015
NALAS has moved to new offices
As of 20 April 2015 NALAS has moved to new offices. The new mailing address...
Recent newsApril 8, 2015
Event information: Annual Forum of Local Authorities
We are happy to welcome you at the amazing event that NALAS, NAMRB and the...
Recent newsApril 7, 2015
Call for Regional Expert in Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in SEE
NALAS is seeking for competent Regional Expert on Municipal Solid Waste Management who will develop...