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Recent newsMarch 17, 2016
Coordination among central and local level in migration management is a must
Over 80 participants from South East European countries, representing national and local authorities, as well...
Press ReleasesMarch 15, 2016
Opening of the International conference “Acting together in Migration Management – Enhancing Coordination among Local and Central Level”
Media are invited to the opening of the International Conference “Acting together in Migration Management-...
Recent newsMarch 10, 2016
NALAS Urban Planning Task Force discusses citizens’ participation in the Urban Planning Process
Some fifteen urban planners and urban development experts from the whole South-East Europe, members of...
Recent newsMarch 9, 2016
A dialogue platform on solid waste management discusses environmental and economic impact assessment
The Second Dialogue Platform organized within the project “Solid Waste Management in cross-border rural and...
Recent newsMarch 8, 2016
NALAS Energy Efficiency Task Force and GIZ EeMA Project meet to discuss energy efficiency measures at local level
NALAS Energy Efficiency Task Force and the GIZ ORF-Energy Efficiency EeMA project held a joint...
AnnouncementsFebruary 10, 2016
Call for consultancy services related to Training on SWIS and CFM
In the frame of the project “Solid Waste Data Collection in SEE”, an interactive and...