We are closing the working week with a successful completion of the Training of Trainers (ToT), organised from 10-13 November 2020 within the Regional Capacity Development Network for water and sanitation services (RCDN).
We had the pleasure to work with a group of 13 motivated national trainers, part of the RCDN Pool of Trainers, Moderators and Advisors, who will be engaged by the RCDN partner LGAs and APUCs to deliver capacity development measures for municipalities and public utility companies on water and sanitation issues. The first upcoming measures they will be focusing at are part of the new RCDN Waste Water Capacity Development Programme.
The ToT strengthened participants’ training design and delivery skills and got them acquainted with the details of the RCDN Quality Standards that distinct RCDN from other Capacity Development providers in the region.
This was the first time that we organise a virtual ToT, as the COVID-19 pandemic conditions required. The lead trainer, the International Expert Ms. Alexandra Pres, and the co-trainer Mr. Miodrag Kolic from NALAS did a great job adapting the ToT design for an online delivery, which resulted with a high satisfaction from participants, expressed in their evaluations.
“This was a very successful training”, proudly says Mr. Miodrag Kolic, RCDN Quality Manager from NALAS. “We had an excellent group of participants, that in such difficult conditions remained fully committed to the training and demonstrated high competency during the practical exercises. This ToT sets great basis for the future successful implementation of the new RCDN Waste Water Capacity Development Programme”, concluded Mr. Kolic.
Next week, from 17-19 November 2020, NALAS will organise the Advance Training of Trainers for a new group of 11 participants.
RCDN aims to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the water utilities in the Western Balkans, contributing to better service provision with larger numbers of population groups getting access to drinking water and sanitation services and meeting the European Union (EU) environmental Acquis Communautaire. To achieve this, RCDN has three key components: 1) Association Development, 2) Capacity Development Offer and Delivery and 3) Partnership and enabling Capacity Development Environment.
RCDN works with LGAs and APUCs in six project countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), while the final beneficiaries are the top and middle managers from municipal and regional utility companies and officers in charge in municipalities. The project is managed by GIZ, on behalf of SECO and BMZ, and is implemented by a Project Implementation Team consisted of IAWD, Aquasan and NALAS.