During the 19th edition of the “Vecernjakov pecat” (Vecernjak Seal Award) ceremony, held on Sunday, Ms. Vesna Travljanin, the Director of the Association of Municipalities and Cities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, received the 2019 award in the category “Pride of BiH – Success of the Year”.
As stated in the elaboration of her nomination, Ms. Travljanin “for the past 15 years dedicated herself to strengthen the position of municipalities and cities in BiH and abroad. Thanks to her, citizens do have their voice in negotiations with all levels of government“.
“It is an enormous honour and pleasure to receive this prestigious award”, said Ms. Travljanin. “This award is not only for me, but for all municipalities and cities in FBiH, mayors and administration, and my team. The award will be a stimulant for our future work and commitment, and future success, having in mind that local self-government is the cornerstone of any developed society and gaining on its importance”.
“Vecernjakov pecat”, awarded by the daily Newspaper „Vecernji list“, is one of the biggest public events in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It acknowledges individuals who contribute to the public good, in a very competitive process – a special committee selects 150 people from all public sphere from a wider list of more than 1000 candidates, competing in 15 categories for the main award “Person of the Year”.