ACOR, NALAS member from Romania, presented the climate action taken in 2023 under SDG 13 as reflected in the Romanian Voluntary Subnational Review (VSR). It took place during the VNR-VSR-VLR Studio titled: Unveiling Best Practices for Multilevel Governance in Localizing SDGs organised by UNECE, UN HABITAT, UNDESA and UCLG in Geneva (Switzerland) on 13 March.
The Panel discussion on Multilevel Governance in Action: Leveraging Data for Evidence-Based Policy Making in SDG Voluntary Local Reviews, was designed as a side event to the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (Geneva, 13-14 March 2024) and dived into topics such as:
- The latest developments on localizing the SDGs in the UNECE region
- Experiences in the use of data for evidence-based policymaking by cities
- Concrete examples on cities and national administrations and UN agencies
- How collaborative structures between city and national governments can be optimized
Adelina Bilan, one of the lead consultants for the elaboration of the VSR 2023, represented ACOR and UCLG in the panel because UCLG World Secretariat and NALAS supported ACOR and the Romanian Association of Cities (AMR) in elaborating VSR 2023 on the progress of implementing SDGs in Romania.
UCLG together with NALAS supported via concerted technical cooperation NALAS member local government association from Romania (ACOR) in preparing for the 1st time the Voluntary Subnational Report on progress in implementing the SDGs for Romania.
The aim to contribute to the Voluntary National Review was met successfully establishing a constructive working relationship with the line ministry in charge of the VNR Romania 2023 which led to include local best practice examples in the final VNR presented at the HLPF at the UN in May 2023. This result was possible because both Romanian Associations, ACOR and the Romanian Association of Cities (AMR) worked in tandem and committed to continue to assume monitoring in the future.