NALAS kindly requests submission of quotations for the purchase of two SUV vehicles as detailed per Type of Vehicles’ technical specifications in Annex 1 of the Request for Quotation.
For each vehicle, a separate quotation is requested. A single quotation for only one type of vehicle will also be considered.
Quotations shall be submitted on or before 10 September 2020, 16:00 h, at dedicated email: info@nalas.eu with Subject line: RFQ for purchase of vehicles_ (your CompanyName)
It shall remain suppliers’ responsibility to ensure that quotations will reach NALAS before the deadline. Quotations that are received by NALAS after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.
Quotations must be limited to a maximum of 20 MB. Also, the supplier should ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format. They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.
Please find below the Request for Quotation which includes Annex 1 and Forms for Submitting Supplier’s Quotation.
NALAS RFQ vehicles_ 02.09.2020