The kick-off meeting of the Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay (LoGov) project was held on 25-26 February 2019, in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy. The meeting focused on the project workplan, research planning and annual plan of secondments.
LoGov aims to provide best fit practices for local governments to address the changing urban rural interplay and manage its impacts. These practices are meant to cater to the specific needs of local government and to be easily applicable.
LoGov fosters a “shared culture of research and innovation” that transcends the boundaries of disciplines, continents and sectors. Three outstanding features ensure that the project generates creative ideas and turns them into innovative approaches that are adaptable to different contexts. First, the consortium brings together knowledge on local government from four different disciplines (law, political science, economics and public administration) which enhances the sharing of knowledge between them and therefore gives a more holistic picture of local government in the context of changing urban-rural relations than the “state of the art” so far. Secondly, international cooperation between as many as 16 highly-qualified partners from six continents offers an unprecedented geographical scope. Thirdly, the fact that LoGov builds not only on international secondments, but also on the second dimension of mobility, i.e. inter-sectoral staff exchange.
The LoGov project is structured into eight work packages WPs (the first five are research packages and the other three are non-research packages):
- WP1: Local responsibilities and capacity to provide public services
- WP2: Local financial arrangements
- WP3: Local government structure (amalgamations, inter-municipal cooperation, etc.)
- WP4: Intergovernmental relations of local authorities with national and regional governments
- WP5: People’s participation in local decision making
- WP6: Training: Research and Transferable Skills Trainings
- WP7: Dissemination and Communication
- WP8: Management
NALAS is the leader of the WP 4 – Intergovernmental relations of local authorities with national and regional governments.
LoGov is funded by Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme. It will last 48 months.
Project Actors
Coordinator: Accademia Europea di Bolzano (EURAC RESEARCH), Italy
- Ludwig-Maximilians – Universitaet (LMU Muenchen), Germany
- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain
- Universite de Fribourg (UNIFR), Switzerland
- Ximpulse Gmbh (XIMP), Switzerland
- KDZ – Austria
- Council of Europe – Conseil de L’Europe (COE), Strasbourg
- Uniwersytet Warszawski (UNIWARSAW), Poland
- NALAS, France
- ZELS, Macedonia
Supporting partners:
- University of the Western Cape, UWC, South Africa
- Addis Ababa University, Center for Federalism and Governance Studies, Ethiopia
- Universidad Nacional de General San Martin, UNSAM, Argentina
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
- University of Technology of Sydney, UTS, Australia
- National University of Singapore, NUS, Singapore
- The University of Western Ontario, Canada
- The Association of South-African Local Governments, SALGA, South Africa
Get in touch with LoGov via:
Twitter: @LoGov_Rise
Web: www.logov_rise.eu
Email: logov@eurac.edu