On 12-13 December 2019, the NALAS Solid Waste and Water Management Task Force met in Belgrade, Serbia to discuss and identify the priority objectives and recommendations necessary for policy dialogue and advocacy initiatives of the NALAS members related to the Sector of Water and Sanitation. Discussions also included changes that could encourage enabling learning environment at local, national and regional level.
On the first part of the meeting, an introductory session was held, to allow the Task Force and new members of the Water Management group to get to know each other better. An overview of NALAS and its services was also given. As part of a team building exercise, the participants mapped the good practices but also the challenges on the so-called SEE Water Supply and Sanitation Wall.
All participants presented the Status of the Water and Sanitation Sector, respectively the challenges and priorities in their corresponding countries.
NALAS Program Manager and RCDN Quality Manager, Mr. Miodrag Kolic, shared with the group on Water Management the potentials for cooperation with RCDN but also the upcoming activities focusing on Waste Water Treatment. Mr. Kolic emphasized that: “NALAS member LGAs through the NALAS Task Force on Solid Waste and Water Management, and thus the newly establish group on Water Management will promote and encourage cooperation and collaboration of LGAs and APUCs from South East Europe to develop sustainable water supply and sanitation services.”
Over the two days of the meeting, the moderator Mr. Jane Vrteski and the TF members worked to prioritize the objectives and the key topics for policy dialogue and advocacy, as well as preparation of the Road Map necessary for policy dialogue and advocacy initiatives of Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in South East Europe.