The President of NALAS, Mr. Anton Peršak, took part in the fifteenth edition of the conference on E-Governance “ICT – Strategic Policy for a Working e-Government” that took part from 6 to 7 March 2014, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The event was organised by ICT Media Bulgaria, under the honorary auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development in the Republic of Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Daniela Bobeva and in partnership with the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria and NALAS.
The presentation of Mr. Peršak was the most interesting expose during the second day of the event. It focused on NALAS’ view and contribution to E-Government at the local level, through its Knowledge Center, that aim to advance online government service, paperless, knowledge-based and transparent local government. As a Mayor of Trzin in Slovenia, Mr. Persak also presented Slovenian practice in e-governance.
For more information about the conference, please click HERE.