The third NEXPO International Municipal Fair will be organized in May 2015 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria by NALAS, the National Association of Bulgarian Municipalities (NAMRB) and the City of Plovdiv. NEXPO 2015 will focus on Governance for Growth, sharing best practices of local governments which contribute to economic growth and job creation.
The preparations for NEXPO 2015 are on their way. On 10 January 2014, NALAS and NAMRB visited Plovdiv, met with the Mayor, his Deputy, the municipal team and visited the fair venues. Plovdiv, known as a fair city, has over 100 years of experience in organizing fairs and offers the largest fair venue in South-East Europe, spread on 159,100 m2, with 17 multifunctional exhibition halls.
“We are very happy and proud to host NEXPO 2015 here in Plovdiv. Our city has a lot to show and we hope that this will be the best NEXPO edition ever”, said the Mayor of Plovdiv, Mr. Ivan Totev.
Plovdiv is a remarkable city. Known as the oldest living city in Europe, it offers impressive history, culture, architecture and art. Along come the modern investments in the city, EU projects, industrial zones, e-governance, which make this city a nice place for living, but also a great example to learn from. NEXPO 2015 will provide an opportunity for networking among South-East Europe municipalities, learning from each other, matchmaking with the private sector and showcasing case studies and best practices in sustainable local development.
The National Association of Bulgarian Municipalities is one of the strongest NALAS member associations. It has been established in 1997, and since 1999 it unites all 264 municipalities in Bulgaria. NAMRB has extensive experience in organizing large-scale events and international cooperation. In 2005 NAMRB has established NAMRB-Aktiv Ltd, specialized in event management and consultancy. During NEXPO 2015, NAMRB will organize its Annual Meeting, with over 500 Mayors and delegates.
Stay tuned for more information and looking forward to seeing you all in May 2015 in Plovdiv!