As part of the Matchmaking Platform within the NEXPO International Municipal Fair, held in Rijeka and Opatija, Croatia, from 25-27 September 2013, NALAS conducted a Needs Assessment, to determine the needs of the South-East Europe (SEE) municipalities and the business sector in the area of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, as well as their matchmaking priorities. The findings of the Needs Assessment are presented in the Publication “Matchmaking for a Greener Europe”. Further on, the publication explains the matchmaking platform and its elements. Finally, it compiles SEE local government profiles and plans for EE/RE investments in the next five years, as well as profiles of companies active in the EE/RE sector. This publication provides a valuable contribution for getting to know each other and enhancing the collaboration among SEE municipalities and the private sector, for the benefit of the citizens and a greener and healthier South-East Europe.
Download the Publication:
Matchmaking for a Greener Europe
The Matchmaking Platform has been developed with support from the Open Regional Fund for South East Europe, Modernization of Municipal Services (ORF MMS).