The meeting, focused on presentation and exchange on the progress and challenges in the piloting process in 13 pilot municipalities from Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in Skopje, on 31 October 2018. Except the representatives of the pilot municipalities and their utility companies, the meeting also involved the national Solid Waste Associations, GIZ and NALAS.
The progress in improved waste collection and valorisation was discussed for each of the pilot municipalities, including processes related to: Home Composting, Cost centres and tariffs, Route optimization and extension of services, Customer base, Professional development (health & safety). Also, the system of monitoring the effects of the introduced processes was discussed. Participants reflected on the benefits of the currently implemented processes, the challenges in the process implementation and brainstormed on ways for overcoming those challenges.
The meeting was organised within the project “Business cases development for improved waste collection and valorisation”, supported by GIZ Open Regional Funds-Modernisation of Municipal Services.