How to improve social services at local level and ensure participation of minorities in the Western Balkans was the topic of the web seminar organize by NALAS on 6th of July 2021.
In particular, the web seminar focused on:
- The concept of MINORITY COMMISSIONER and its impact on individual, local and central level
- The role of different stakeholders in securing socio-economic and cultural rights for all as a foundation for achievement of SDG
- Good examples from the region for positive changes for improved participation and access to services for minority and other vulnerable groups
Matic Germovšek, Project Coordinator at Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) gave an introduction to the model of Schleswig Holstein as well as the capacity building activities that FUEN has undertaken with minorities in Western Balkans.
Expert Gordana Nestorovska further delved into the particularities of the Minority Commissioner as Model for inclusion of minorities and other vulnerable groups and the good practice of Schleswig Holstein. Nestorovska added that transferring the model in Western Balkans, means transferring the idea, while adapting to local needs and realities.
The Minority Commissioner Model has been established in the Municipality of Bijeljina. Participants had the opportunity to hear from the Minority Commissioner, Ljubiša Stanišić via a video address.
Bojana Jovanovic, from NGO Otaharin proceeded to talk in more depth about the Office for Minorities in Bijeljina and the cooperation between the Minority Commisioner Office and Otaharin.
The expert presentations were followed by a lively Panel discussion.
This web seminar was moderated by Nikica Kusinikova, while NALAS EU Officer, Joachim Roth delivered the concluding remarks as well shared about the upcoming activities.
Materials from the webinar
MINORITY COMMISSIONER_Gordana Nestorovska and Memet Memeti
Office for minorities model_UGO_Bijeljina
Video recording
The web seminar is an integral part of the NALAS project “Promotion and scaling up of models for inclusion of minorities and other vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans”, implemented by associations of local authorities and NGOs from the Western Balkans in cooperation with the regional project on “Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups SoRi II”.
The regional project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with special support from the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein to improve access of different minority and disadvantages groups (esp. Roma) to existing municipal services.