NALAS President Vladimir Moskov participated in the forum “Governing in partnership – United to build a stronger Europe”. Applying a model of governing in partnership to the European Union was the main topic of the discussions at the occasion which was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 12 December 2011. The event was organised by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), in collaboration with the other major European networks of local and regional authorities. The forum was structured around two round tables, with the participation of the presidents of the four main associations representing European local and regional authorities. A closing address was given by Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, followed by a debate with the participants.
NALAS President also took part in the CEMR Policy Committee in the frame of the aforementioned event. On the agenda was Thematic Exchange of Views: Consequences of the Crisis for Local and Regional Authorities. Vladimir Moskov emphasised on the importance of the local action and the commitment of the local government associations to finding solutions and to proposing innovative models for overcoming the crisis. In his statement he highlighted that NALAS continues to monitor and to be at the front row to sum up the emerging tendencies in coping the crisis by the local authorities and their associations.