NALAS Task Force on Fiscal Decentralisation and the Gender and Youth Group meet today and tomorrow in Tirana, Albania to discuss the progress of fiscal decentralisation, NALAS annual Fiscal Decentralisation Indicators Report, gender indicators and gender responsive budgeting.
In the session on the status and development of fiscal decentralisation reforms in SEE, each Task Force member, representing NALAS member Local Government Association (LGA), presented the major developments, achievements or setbacks in the fiscal decentralisation over the past two years, focusing on the reforms in local tax system, grant systems, local borrowing, public private partnerships, etc.
The new, seventh edition of the NALAS Fiscal Decentralisation Indicators Report is under preparation. The Task Force discussed the upcoming report and its integration into the ongoing initiative for development of a broader NALAS Regional Decentralisation Observatory.
Mr. Fran Brahimi, Director of Local Finance in the Ministry of Finance of Albania, addressed in the opening session, outlining the challenges that local governments in Albania face, especially related to the ongoing property tax reform. Mr. Fran emphasised the key role LGAs play in the dialogue with central authorities in order to ensure enabling environment for proper implementation of the fiscal decentralisation, as well as NALAS’ role at regional level benchmarking on the progress of fiscal decentralisation.
The group also revised the gender indicators introduced in the last edition of the Report, discussed the Gender Responsive Budgeting Indicators and identified measures and a roadmap for LGAs for promotion and for support to LGs in adopting Gender Responsive Budgeting at local level.
Ms. Blerina Xhani, a National Consultant to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection presented the Albanian experience in gender mainstreaming through the introduction of Gender Responsive Budgeting in the public finance management system.
This event is supported by the UN Women regional project “Promoting Gender Responsive Polices in South-East Europe and the Republic of Moldova”, financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.