Day-care centres provide important family and community-based social services at local level, influencing the wellbeing or vulnerable groups and building a brighter future. Establishing and successfully running a day-care centre requires a multisectoral approach, where local governments, other public institutions, civil society and the community itself have important roles to play.
These were some of the conclusions of webinar on “Day-care centers as family and community-based services at the local level”, organised today by NALAS and hosted by the Association of Kosovo Municipalities (AKM). The webinar brought together some 120 participants, who had the chance to learn and exchange on the basic principles and key characteristics of day-care services as a tool for provision of social services to vulnerable groups and the role of local governments in planning and provision of day-care services.
Ms. Aleksandra Georgievska, social services expert, provided a comprehensive overview on what day-care centres are, the services they provide, the standards they use in service provision and the key stakeholders involved for a success. Ms. Georgievska pointed out that day-care centres have the power to transform users into drivers of social change.
Ms. Sahiba Srna from the CSO “Zemlje Djece” presented their day-care centre that serves children at risk in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. For over 20 years, this NGO, supported by the municipality and international donors, transforms lives. “This blond boy that you see on the photo was one of our first users, in our programme for street children. He is now employed, has his own family and decent life”, proudly stated Ms. Srna.
Ms. Ramzije Krasniqi from SOS Kinderdorf presented the experiences of the day-care centre of Ferizaj/Uroshevac, emphasising that they provided individualised, assessment-based programmes for children.
The webinar was organised on 3 December, the International Day of People with Disability. The moderator, Ms. Nikica Kusinikova and the participants emphasised that communities shall work harder to provide the support that people with disability need to exercise their human, social and economic rights.
This webinar is an activity of the NALAS project “Enhancing local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Leave No One Behind Principle”, implemented by the associations of local authorities from the Western Balkans in cooperation with and supported by the regional project on “Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups”. The regional project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Watch the webinar recordings:
Download the materials from the webinar:
AGENDA Day-care centres webinar 03.12.2020
Day-care centre-family and community-based services at local level
Day-care services in Ferizaj/Uroshevac