The NALAS project “Regional Cooperation for Better Social Inclusion at Local Level” addresses the insufficient institutional capacities and know-how of local government administrations and other relevant local stakeholders from the Western Balkan economies in the identification of the needs of disadvantaged groups of citizens, development of evidence-based local policies in the field of social protection and ensuring of access to local services through innovative social approaches. In addition, the project is strengthening the capacities of the Network of Association of Local Authorities in SEE to set the topic of social inclusion higher on the agenda of the network and its member associations.
For this purpose, ZELS and NALAS are inviting the practitioners (individuals), to express their interest and to apply for the position of Resource Person for the community-based services: day-care centre and mobile outreach teams.
Interested candidates (individuals) for the position of Resource Person are asked to submit a proposal, by 30 March 2024, 16:00 (CET). The proposal must be submitted in the English language by e-mail, at shehi@nalas.eu and irena.nikolov@zels.org.mk with subject: Learning Cluster Resource Person.
For more information, please find bellow the ToR and Annex1 – Learning Cluster Methodology