NALAS, within the project “Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN)”, supported by SECO and BMZ/GIZ requests proposals from interested organisations/companies for the provision of professional services to develop the e-Learning Course “Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects in the Water and Sanitation Sector”.
Organisations/companies with proven experience and expertise in teaching and learning methodologies, ICT, preferably developing e-learning courses, interactive multi-media products and on-line learning tools are invited to respond to this Request for Proposals.
To be considered, proposals must be received in electronic form not later than 23 August 2021 (Monday), 16:00 (CET) at info@nalas.eu, with Subject: Offer for development of the e-Learning Course “Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects in the Water and Sanitation Sector”.
For all the details, please refer to the Request for Proposals and Terms of Reference below: