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Recent newsSeptember 30, 2014
Video from the first NALAS Summer School on Local Governance and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations
The video from NALAS First Summer School on Local Governance and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations is...
PublicationsSeptember 10, 2014
Assessing territorial attractiveness in South-East Europe
This publication summarises the results of the Assessing territorial attractiveness in South-East Europe-Attract SEE project,...
Recent newsSeptember 10, 2014
Annual meeting of NALAS Knowledge Management Assistants
he group of 14 national NALAS Knowledge Management Assistants met on 10 and 11 September...
Recent newsSeptember 2, 2014
Three NALAS Task Forces met to discuss Territorial Attractiveness in SEE
A workshop on Territorial Attractiveness, organized within the project “Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in SEE” (Attract...
AnnouncementsSeptember 1, 2014
Call for Consultancy Services for development of Training Delivery Schemes
Within the the project “Local Leaders in Southeast Europe: Lead for Change – LL SEE”,...
AnnouncementsAugust 26, 2014
Call for applications for National Expert
In the frame of the project “Asset Management for water and sanitation sector in South-East...