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Recent newsJuly 15, 2021
Implementing, Monitoring and Reporting of Agenda 2030 and SDGs
The SoRi SFF coordination team, together with project partners from Kosovo*, met yesterday with the...
Recent newsJuly 13, 2021
NALAS sends important messages during the 6th Enlargement Day
The sixth Enlargement Day was organised today by the European Committee of the Regions and...
Recent newsJuly 6, 2021
How to improve social services at local level and ensure participation of minorities
How to improve social services at local level and ensure participation of minorities in the...
AnnouncementsJune 22, 2021
Call for tender- Office space for EU for Municipalities Project in Albania
NALAS is enquiring to rent an office space for our upcoming EU for Municipalities Project...
Recent newsJune 17, 2021
Kick-off the #EUforMunicipalities project in Albania
Today, we were proud to kick-off the #EUforMunicipalities project in Albania funded by the European...
Recent newsJune 14, 2021
Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe
A vivid Europe from below: Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of...