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AnnouncementsOctober 21, 2021
Call for offers – NGO/Consultancy service provider for implementation of social mapping methodology in the municipality of Kocani and Strumica
NALAS is seeking competent NGOs/consultancy service providers that will conduct social mapping for children and...
PublicationsOctober 20, 2021
The new NALAS Fiscal Decentralisation Indicators Report sheds a light on social sector services in South-East Europe
This is the eighth edition of the Report which is an ongoing effort of NALAS’...
Recent newsOctober 18, 2021
Mrs. Badan receives the highest national distinction – Order of the Republic of Moldova
Mrs. Tatiana Badan, Mayor of Selemet, Moldova, President of the Congress of Local Authorities from...
Recent newsOctober 18, 2021
“EU for Municipalities” project officially begins
Three new projects funded by European Union “Municipalities for Europe 2.0”, “EU for Municipalities” and...
Recent newsOctober 12, 2021
South-East European municipalities share their good practices in advancing gender equality at local level with Ukrainian Mayors
During the week of 4-8 October 2021, NALAS hosted a virtual study visit for Ukrainian...
Recent newsOctober 4, 2021
Third NALAS Forum of Women Mayors in SEE: the role of women in meeting urban challenges
The third edition of the NALAS Forum of Women Mayors in SEE was organised in...