The fourth project partners working meeting of the Project “Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in SEE” (Attract-SEE) was held from 31 March to 2 April 2014 in Bologna, Italy. The host and organizer of the meeting was the Italian project partner ERVET, Emilia-Romagna Valorizzazione Economica Territorio, the Territorial Economic Development Agency of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
During the three days meeting, the project partners, including NALAS, had an opportunity to discuss the working plan and its progress. In that regard, the draft template of action plan for establishment of territorial monitoring systems in involved regions and the first draft of the common – transnational attractiveness synthesis report were elaborated. Data collection process for the indicators on trans-national level was presented, while the most strategic indicators for territorial attractiveness and their target groups were identified through small group work and plenary discussions.
The concept for the final project publication and the concept of the final conference that will be held from 10-11 September 2014, in Belgrade, Serbia were presented and discussed.
The aim of the project “Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in SEE” is to establish a framework concept as well as tools useful for policy makers to enhance the quality of development decisions. The results of the project are to be used by policy/decision makers in improving their cooperation and networking at the South East Europe scale, in view to reinforce the role of territorial knowledge in promoting cohesion and growth in South East Europe.