NALAS member, the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) released a documentary on women mayors, members of CALM Women Network, their work, achievements and problems they face. The documentary includes interviews with Ms. Tatiana Badan, President CALM, Mayor of Selemet, Mrs. Nina Costiuc the CALM Women’s Network President, Mayor of Budeşti, Mrs. Feodosia Bunescu, Mayor of Bahrinesti, Mrs. Nadejda Darie, CALM secretary of the Women’s Network Mr. Viorel Furdui, CALM Executive Director and other interviews and footage about the work and implemented projects of women mayors in the Republic of Moldova and CALM Women Network.
CALM Women Network was established in 2011 as a platform for women in local government – mayors, district heads, counselors, secretaries, employees of APL – with the purpose of developing women leadership and enhancing the role of women in the decision-making at local and national levels.
This documentary was made with the support of the Joint Integrated Local Development Programme, implemented by the Government, with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), and financial support of the Government of Sweden.
To access the film with English subtitles, please click HERE