NALAS continues to work on the project EmBuild financed by the EU, and in May delivered two publications: on how to raise awareness about energy efficiency in buildings amongst the stakeholders, and guidance on improvement of investment climate at local level. The project results will contribute to increase capacities at municipal level to formulate policies and measures to stimulate cost-effective deep renovations of buildings and to guide public investment decisions, inclusive of capital investment and facilitation of private sector involvement.
EmBuild – Empower Public Authorities to establish a Long-Term Strategy for Mobilising Investment in the Energy Efficient Renovation of the Building Stock – is a project financed under the Horizon2020 Programme of the European Union, and explores the modalities of investment in energy efficiency in public buildings with special emphasis on local level. Its main objective is to empower public authorities at local, regional and national level, to formulate renovation strategies for the building sector that foster deep renovation and facilitate the acceleration of the renovation rate. The project involves 10 partners, two of which are with regional or international mandate (NALAS and BPIE), and 8 national partners from 6 countries: EnEffect (Bulgaria), REGEA (Croatia), GIZ, eza!, Technical University of Munich (Germany), AE3R (Romania), University of Belgrade (Serbia) and KSSENA (Slovenia).