The series of five specific ToTs that are being implemented within the NALAS project “Local Leaders in Southeast Europe: Lead for Change” (LL SEE) continued with implementation of the fourth specific Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Implementation of infrastructure investment projects” that took place from 18 to 22 January 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Nineteen future trainers from the LL SEE project countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia were trained to deliver trainings that include: project implementation phases, project design phase and documents, legal requirements for permitting, inception phase and financial agreements, establishment and roles of project implementation unit, procurement procedures and procurement rules of IFIs, introducing to PRAG procurement procedures, introduction to FIDIC contract procedures, roles and responsibilities during the construction phase, and project closing. The training has been conducted by a team of trainers from the Hydro Engineering Institute Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The host of the training was the Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia that organised all the necessary logistics for the training.
The last, fifth specific ToT “Result-based strategic programme planning and management” is scheduled for 1-5 February 2016, and will be held in Belgrade, Serbia.
The project “Local Leaders in Southeast Europe: Lead for Change” is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).