The “Citizens First” Conference is the third in a series of biennial regional conferences focusing on citizens and civil societies as partners and contributors in the design and monitoring of public administration reforms (PAR) in the Western Balkans, as part of the region’s EU integration path.
These conferences aim to enhance and broaden the dialogue on creating and implementing inclusive and transparent PAR policies that meet citizens’ needs.
NALAS participated on the panel “Cities and municipalities in Serbia in focus: Public administration reform at the local government level”.
This panel was organised within the “Public Administration Monitoring for Better Local Governance” project, implemented by European Policy Centre – CEP, National Coalition for Decentralization, Centre for equitable regional development and Ecological Centre Habitat
NALAS presented the regional view with the results from the RDO index that comprises a set of almost 100 indicators within the four dimensions „Autonomy of Local Governments “, „Quality of Local Services “, „Participation and Responsiveness“and „Local Government Association´s Involvement in Policy Dialogue“.
Focus was given on multilevel governance and distribution of power from central to local government, but also horizontal empowerment and engagement of citizens and CSOs.
Digital transformation in service delivery was discussed as well as the role of NALAS in building capacities of Local governments and Associations, in disseminating positive implementations and innovations and exchange knowledge and experiences.