Acknowledging the comprehensive knowledge base created within the Regional Capacity Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN) and boosting its utilisation in the work of the partner Associations for improving the capacities of municipalities and public utility companies was the focus of the knowledge exchange session organised on 15 December 2020.
The session brought together the RCDN Focal Points coming from the 16 partner Local Government Associations (LGAs) and Associations of Public Utility Companies (APUCs), who, on one side, have a key role in enriching RCDN knowledge base and on the other, are responsible to coordinate their Associations’ efforts in making the best use of the knowledge of the Network.
“RCDN, as a regional network, brings huge added value to the activities implemented at national level. It offers great learning and exchange opportunities, enabling Associations to adjust and implement measures and approaches that have proved to be working in similar contexts around the region”, says Ms. Jelena Janevska from NALAS, serving as RCDN Knowledge Manager. “RCDN is all about knowledge, in different forms. Our knowledge platform consists of 400+ entries related to our capacity development products for the water and sanitation sector, association development measures, advocacy and lobbying and much more. This knowledge has a huge potential, and we are here to create the conditions for scaling-up”, concludes Ms. Janevska.
During the meeting the Project Implementation Team also presented the Association Development Programme, that provides on-demand, tailor-made association development for the partner Associations, via peer exchange, shadowing, mentoring and on-the-job training. This Programme contributes to strengthening the capacities of the RCDN partners for development and joint delivery of CD measures, aimed at improving WSS services.
“Being a part of RCDN brings unique set of skills, expertise and experience. One of the key benefits of our network is the sharing this knowledge. Furthermore, such exchanges with peers are a great service. They provide an opportunity to improve all levels of the association’s functions, help develop collaboration and prevent the loss of critical know-how”, concluded Ms. Teodora Pop-Trajkov, Capacity Development Advisor at GIZ.