Perspectives of the e-platform for training and support services for local administration was the focus of the meeting organised today with the local governments of Moldova, by the IMPLIC Project and CALM, the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova and NALAS’ member.
At the meeting, CALM members learned about the benefits of having e-platforms for learning and exchange, by the examples of NALAS and the DESPRO Project in Ukraine. They also got acquainted and discussed the key findings of the market analysis and needs assessment related to the possible e-platform of CALM.
CALM Executive Director Mr. Viorel Furdui pointed out that the needs of the final beneficiaries are at the base of the e-platform development. Such a platform will contribute to increasing the capacities of employees in the field of local public administration, but also to streamlining public services provided to citizens. “The idea of creating such an instrument has proven to be useful, especially in the context of the pandemic, but also in order to save time and resources of representatives of local public authorities and providers of communal services”, emphasised Mr. Furdui.
Ms. Jelena Janevska, NALAS’ Knowledge and Communication Manager, presented NALAS e-Academy, as an important element of NALAS Knowledge System. NALAS e-Academy is an integrated system for e-learning for South-East Europe’s local governments, that contributes to modernisation of local public services, improving the quality of services provided and increasing the level of professionalism of local government administration throughout SEE.
Ms. Janevska also presented how different e-services can support CALM’s advocacy and capacity development efforts and addressed about the support that NALAS can provide to CALM in the establishment and running of the e-platform. “We are committed to support our members in providing better services”, said Ms. Janevska. “CALM can benefit from our know-how in developing its e-Academy, related to the process, protocols, capacity development of staff, planning, development and delivery of courses. Also, CALM can choose to adjust, translate and deliver our e-courses to its members, while we are here to provide continuous support and mentoring in running the CALM Academy”, concluded Ms. Janevska.