NALAS and the Local Authority Facility (LAF) are organizing a Study Tour on EU Regional Policy and Regional Economic Development, from 22-24 May 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of this study tour is to give local and regional representatives the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the EU legislation and practice.
This multi-beneficiary study tour is open to participants from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) as well as from Turkey.
NALAS, through its member Associations will identify up to 5 participants from each beneficiary country. The maximum number of participants is 40.
NALAS member Associations and their members, local and regional authorities are invited to nominate their best representatives by submitting:
- Filled in Participant Form for each nominee;
- Letter of Interest; and
- CV.
The study tour will be conducted in English language and it will include interactive workshops which will require active role of each participant. Therefore, advanced English language skills and active use of the English language are mandatory.
The deadline for nominating participants is 12 April 2013. Contact person at NALAS: Milena Garthley, garthley@nalas.eu.
For more information, please check:
* “This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence”