NALAS Task Force on Sustainable Tourism worked to build a common understanding of what is the essence, vision and principles of the sustainable tourism development at local level in South Eastern Europe (SEE). The result of this work is the position paper “SEE Tourism Goes Local” which encourages sustainable tourism planning and development across SEE through deploying the potential of the NALAS and builds a common reference point for local communities and local government associations (LGAs), recognizing tourism as a relevant economic option.
NALAS Vision for the local tourism is that the local governments manage tourism in a sustainable way so that three values could be met:
– Happy community and guests
– Fair distribution of tourism expenditure, and
– Qualified care and nurturing of natural and cultural heritage
To download the publication:
English language
Local language versions produced by member LGAs
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Albanian-AAC
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Albanian-AAM
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Bosnian-SOGFBIH
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Bosnian (RS)-SOGRS
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Bulgarian-NAMRB
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Croatian-UGRH and UORH
SEE Tourism Goes Local-Macedonian-ZELS