The second NALAS Vice-President, Mr. Lokman Çağırıcı, is the Mayor of Bağcılar in Turkey.
Mr. Lokman Çağırıcı was born in Giresun in 1965. He has been residing at Bağcılar district of the city of Istanbul since 1978. Having graduated from Yıldız Technical University (YTU), Industrial Engineering Department in 1990, Çağırıcı worked in senior managerial positions in various organizations and dealt with trade until 1999.
Besides his works in private business, Mr. Çağırıcı’s political career began in 1990, and he is elected as Bağcılar Municipality Council Member in 1999. He worked as Council Member and Vice Mayor until 11 May 2007, and he was appointed as Bağcılar Mayor by Municipality Council upon Bağcılar Founder Mayor Feyzullah Kıyıklık’s election as congressman of AK Party for Istanbul city in May 2007 General Elections.
Mr. Çağırıcı was elected as Mayor in 29 March 2009 local elections, and re-elected in 30 March 2014 local elections with a vote of 57.25 percent, finding opportunity to continue his services for Bağcılar. Mr. Çağırıcı is elected as Bağcılar Mayor for the third time reaching a vote rate of 57.89 in 31 March 2019 local elections.
In addition to being Bağcılar Mayor, Mr. Çağırıcı has also undertaken and been performing the duties of Bağcılar Amateur Sports Clubs Chairman, Marmara Municipalities Union Vice President, Turkish World Municipalities Association Vice Chairman, World Academy for Local Government and Democracy Foundation (WALD) Supervisory Board Vice Chairman, United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) Member.
He is married, and father of four children.