NALAS wants to mainstream the efforts of local governments in the region to provide their citizens with high-quality water servic
es and ensure them the same conditions as other Europeans have regarding the water supply and sanitation. To do so a strategic approach to the water management sector with policy position and recommendations for the LGAs in the SEE region is prepared as a common advocacy and capacity development platform.
The platform, which was prepared as a joint effort of the Water Management Group of the NALAS Task Force for Solid Waste and Water Management, should serve
as a good basis for LGAs in the region to represent the interest of their member local authorities vis-à-vis central governments and in front of other relevant forums
regarding aligning national, regional and local water and sanitation policies to the needs of local populations and requirements provided by the EU acquis.
This document is prepared within the Project “Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services in South-East Europe (RCDN)” with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).