In the frame of the 2nd Danube Hub Benchmarking Workshop and Conference organized by IAWD in cooperation with the City of Subotica and PUC Waterworks and Sewerage Subotica, a Partnership Agreement has been signed by four utilities and their municipalities – Subotica, Bijeljina, Novi Sad and Szeged, all of them participating in the Danube Hub operated under the D-LeaP Utility Benchmarking Program and three of them being IAWD members (Subotica, Bijeljina and Szeged).
Within the Agreement the signing parties commit to partner in the field of communal water management to exchange knowledge and experiences about good practices to:
- Raise awareness of current and future users
- Strengthen capacities of local authorities and water and sewage companies
- Improve operational performance
- Achieve an integrated management of infrastructure and assets and
- Improve cooperation with sevice users and other stakeholders
The Agreement has been signed in the presence of representatives of IAWD and NALAS.
IAWD and NALAS as regional networks and strategic partners encourage and commend this initiative and positive example of cooperation between the local governments and public utilities in the water and sanitation sector.