As part of the preparations for piloting the new Waste Water Programmes within the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN), NALAS developed the training and moderation skills to 10 new trainers from Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Generic Training of Trainers (ToT) was organised from 17-18 August 2022 in Skopje and delivered by NALAS’ Jelena Janevska and Miodrag Kolic.
“This was a great group of water professionals from Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina who have the enthusiasm and courage to step into trainer’s role and we are here to support them in getting there”, said Jelena Janevska. “It is always a pleasure to see our participants developing their trainer’s skills. Although there is a hard work ahead of them, this ToT was a great start”, adds Miodrag Kolic.
Participants got acquired with the Training Management Cycle and the corresponding RCDN Quality Standards for training delivery and peer exchange, that ensure excellence in implementing each of the phases of the cycle. Participants developed their trainers’ and facilitators’ skills and mastered the tools that ensure interactive and co-constructing capacity development measures.
All 10 participants had the chance to perform during the training, practicing some of the training methods and receiving feedback that will help them design and deliver high quality sessions in the future.