A business process reengineering in Solid Waste Management that will contribute to more efficient performance of the municipal public utilities on waste management has been introduced in 10 municipalities in four countries of the Western Balkans.
The development of the methodologies for the introduction of five processes such are: home composting, optimization of collection routes, cost centres, health and safety at work and customer base are part of the activities implemented in the frame of the project “Business Cases for Improved Waste Collection and Valorisation”, supported by the GIZ Open Regional Fund on Modernization of Municipal Services.
These processes include: Customer base, Cost centres and tariffs, Route optimisation, Health and Safety, Home composting.
For illustrations, some of the outputs and benefits of these processes include:
Home composting:
- it reduces collection of the households’ waste and decrease the volumes of organic waste to be handled,
- it considerably reduces the investments (equipment and energy) in regular SWM,
- It can provide municipalities with potential cost savings in terms of waste collection and disposal and thus also provide citizens with potential cost savings in terms of reduced waste fees,
- Home composting satisfies the proximity principle. It reduces the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfill.
- The end-consumer takes care of the separation, treatment and ultimate end-use of the organic waste.
Optimisation of collection routes:
Upon extension of MSW collection services and implementation of route optimization, the following benefits can be expected:
- Protection of the environment and the health of population,
- Increased waste collection rates,
- Improvement of communal services and customers (citizens) satisfaction,
- Creating logistical framework for the separation of recyclable materials from waste,
- Reduction of waste collection costs (fuel, tyres, spare parts…),
- Reduction of dumpsites.
The outputs of the piloting and harmonization of the methodologies for introduction of each of the process in SWM were discussed at the project partner’s meeting held in Belgrade on 28 and 29 May 2019.
Activities include: Review and adopt the final versions of the terms of references for assessment of the economic viability of five solid waste management pilot processes that will be offered to the municipalities and their public utility companies as advisory services for business process reengineering. It will contribute to more efficient household waste collection and disposal services at local level.