Mayors’ Dialogue, January 23-25, 2013, is organized as part of the WB-Austria Urban Partnership Program aimed to assist and support cities and local governments in South East Europe (SEE) in a process of modernization and reform, in order to promote local development for inclusive and sustainable growth, and enhanced urban governance.
While global in scope, this Program is targeted at South-East Europe, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Based on demand, the Program offers a series of City to City Dialogues on Municipal Finance, Urban Planning and Land Management, and Municipal Service Delivery, as well as in-depth leadership training and urban governance capacity building activities.
The conference will focus on leadership challenges in urban management in SEE, looking through the lens of the role of City Leaders in urban governance. The Mayors’ Dialogue will bring together senior officials from cities in the region to reflect on progress in reforms of municipal finance and urban planning, with a particular focus on practices of good governance and the key role of city leaders. Questions will range from how city mayors can make progress in strengthening urban services delivery in a sustainable and inclusive manner utilizing tools of good governance to how citizen participation can be institutionalized and sustained to achieve reforms in a collaborative and transparent manner.
The target audience is multi-fold: (i) Mayors from SEE, including some Mayors from cities/municipalities involved in the City to City Dialogues/self-assessment processes; (ii) Guest speakers: transformational Mayors from European Cities who have implemented successful reforms which serve as good practices, applicable in SEE; (iii) Partner cities/municipalities; LGAs, NALAS, Heads of Finance departments, City Planners, CSOs. (by invitation only)
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