This guide attempts to provide an answer to the question of how to mainstream gender in the waste management process in all its key phases. It is mainly intended at guiding the municipal administration (mayor, municipal administration, public utility companies’ management, and administration, etc.) step by step through the process of waste management and providing advice and ideas on how to include the gender aspect in its implementation, based on EU legislative and policy framework for waste management. In this context, the document will provide an analytical overview of waste management processes and practice with a focus on gender aspects in southeast Europe economies.
This guide focuses on the following main waste management aspects:
- Planning and decision-making in waste management;
- Management of waste following the hierarchy of prevention and waste management given in the Waste Framework Directive;
- Data collection and waste statistics and;
- Service delivery by waste operators.
Guide “Including gender in solid waste services”
You could also read how the methodology has been piloted in the City of Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
CASE STUDY – Gender-responsive waste management service delivery in the City of Bijeljina