This report has been prepared by the NALAS Fiscal Decentralization Task. It is the third edition of what NALAS expects to be an ongoing effort to provide national and local policy makers and analysts with reliable comparative data on municipal finances and intergovernmental fiscal relations in South-East Europe. The monitoring system of the implementation of the strategy “South East Europe 2020 – Jobs and Prosperity in a European Perspective” related to the measuring clear subsidiarity, multilevel governance and regional cooperation will be based on the data and analysis conducted for this report.
The first edition of the report was published in March 2011 and covered the years 2006 2010. The second edition extended the period under review through 2011 and deepened certain aspects of the analysis. This edition covers the period 2006-2012. As in the previous two editions we present a comparative picture of what has been happening in the region as whole. But we devote less space to methodological and terminological issues and instead focus more on the changes that have occurred within countries over the last seven years.
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