The High-Level Forum titled “Evidence based policy making at local and national level on the basis of LNOB (Leave No One Behind) social mapping” took place from 24-25 November 2021 in Pristina. It gathered 75 participants from central and local government entities, CSOs, media and international donor community representatives.
The participants of the welcome address underlined the relevance of the event for Kosovo*. Deputy minister of Industry, Getoar Mjeku, UNDP Resident Representative Maria Suokko, GIZ Country Director of Kosovo and North Macedonia David Oberhuber, AKM Executive Director Sazan Ibrahimi and INDEP’s Executive Director Burim Ejupi were unisono in welcoming Kosovo’s decision to voluntarily subscribe in monitoring and reporting on the implementation progress of the 2030 Agenda’s SDGs. The crucial factor of dialogue among the main stakeholders at national level was stressed in various opportunities in order to face together this challenge and its opportunities for inclusive and sustainable development of Kosovo.
Organized by AKM and INDEP, the event is embedded in general terms in the overarching regional measure “Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups II” (SoRi II) implemented by GIZ with support of NALAS as its strategic partner in the Western Balkan region. It provides regionally to exchange good practices and developing capacities of relevant state and non-state actors in the field of social and human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More specifically, it is integral part of the project “Regional Learning for the Implementation of the Agenda 2030 in South East Europe with focus on North Macedonia and Kosovo.” In this context, the forum intends to contribute towards enhancement of capacities of the SDGs coordination bodies at national level as well as empowering municipalities to initiate, lead and monitor the localization of SDGs in close coordination with civil society.
The 2-day event with its panel discussions, working groups, plenary sessions and discussions focusing on LNOB social mapping, quality data for development policies and the Voluntary National Review process, allowed its participants to elaborate joint declarations containing a number of relevant recommendations on how to improve Kosovo’s roadmap towards the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs. These recommendations will be presented to the National Council of Sustainable Development within the Assembly of Kosovo and the office of the Prime Minister.
NALAS, represented by Joachim Roth, stressed in its interventions the importance of partnership and dialogue as essential assets in a common effort to strengthen capacities, joint exchange, networking and learning for policy making that relies on evidence-based data and inter-institutional coordination to support the ambitious 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs in Kosovo.
There was a common understanding among participants that only a concerted, coordinated and streamlined effort of citizens together with its public administrations and authorities at central and local level can tackle successfully with the challenges and opportunities to leave no one and no space behind!
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.