EmBuild Project partners gathered for the Fifth and last Steering Committee Meeting in Skopje on the 7-8 March. Main points for discussions were the approaching project finalization and its products and events. Special attention was paid to Practitioner’s Navigator that will summarise and bring together all the project products in one concise electronic tool where the whole renovation process for energy efficiency in public buildings will be available for reference and use to municipal experts and decision makers.
Central to the discussions was also the EmBuild Final Conference that will take place in Belgrade on the 7th June. EmBuild was designed to increase capacity of local level actors and develop simple tools that facilitate the formulation and implementation of local renovation plans. The final conference is a moment when the results of the project can be brought to the attention of a broader audience and trigger action beyond the focus of the 100 municipalities that are already involved in the project. The expected outcome of the final conference thus is: “How can municipalities be the engine for achieving the deep renovation target of Europe´s building stock”
This will be achieved by showing best practices of local plans, highlighting aspects that may stimulate similar actions by others and presenting tools that can facilitate the formulation of local plans.
EmBuild project receives funding from the Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Programme, More information about EmBuild project, its achievements and upcoming events are available at http://embuild.eu/