The responsibility for municipal waste within the region of SEE primarily lies with the public sector, therefore, it is very important to provide an evidence based policy recommendations and the most efficient measures for meeting the targets imposed by EU directives. The challenges faced today by solid waste managing entities go beyond simple quantification and characterization of the collected wastes. These challenges involve not only regulatory and law abiding, but also performance assessment by quantification of the system’s efficiency. Comparative analysis of the current status of the municipal solid waste management in SEE provided by the Benchmarking could contribute in this regard at the regional level.
Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in SEE will provide national and local policy makers, researchers, and interested external observers with reliable comparative data on municipal solid waste management in South East Europe.
Therefore, NALAS is seeking for competent Regional Expert on Municipal Solid Waste Management who will develop a methodology for establishment of the Benchmarking on Solid Waste in the region of SEE, putting the Benchmarking in place and preparation of its first regional report.
The activity of establishment the SWM Benchmarking in SEE is implemented within the project named “Solid Waste Data Collection in SEE” designed and implemented by three partner networks: NALAS, SeSWA and Aquasan. The project is implemented in 16 pilot municipalities, in four project countries – Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The project is financially supported by GIZ – Open Regional Fund/Modernization of Municipal Services.
The interested candidates are required to send the following documents in English:
- Cover letter that clearly states motivation and qualification for the position and tasks described within this ToR;
- Personal CV including past experience in similar projects, and
- Financial offer shall specify gross amount per man-day in EUR.
The Regional Expert shall comply with the qualifications and skills requirements, enclosed within the ToR.
Application will be accepted by e-mail at: info@nalas.eu
The deadline for submission of the applications is 16:00, Friday, 17 April 2015.
ToR-Regional Expert in Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management