The Regional Capacity Development Network (RCDN) for Water and Sanitation Services announces a call for members of the RCDN Pool of Trainers and Moderators (PTM).
The aim of this call is to initiate the process of establishment of the RCDN PTM by identification of experienced WSS sector trainers and moderators in the project countries (Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montengro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The members of RCDN PTM will be available to offer and support the RCDN partner associations, LGAs and APUCs and RCDN PIT associations NALAS, IAWD and Aquasan, in the development and delivery of RCDN Capacity Development (CD) products.
The trainers and moderators that will be interested for cooperation and participation in the RCDN PTM, will be pooled and further trained in order to deliver the RCDN products by using RCDN Quality Standards.
The list of the potential members of the RCDN PTM will be also used for identification of potential trainers and moderators for the development and implementation of the first initial CD measures to be implemented in 2018 (Quick Wins).
The project envisages to have regular calls for new members for RCDN PTM, that will be organized once or twice per year. The focus of this call should be put on identification of possible trainers and moderators that could be contracted for delivery of the first CD measures scheduled for September-October 2018, such as:
- Introduction of Infrastructure Investment Projects training for LGUs and PUCs (QW1);
- Competence development of municipal elected officials for WSS services (QW5);
- Learning from peers for successful infrastructure Waste Water Collection and Treatment projects (QW8).
To submit the proposals for trainers and moderators, please follow the instructions and use the format provided in the Annex 1 of the call:
- Submission of Application Packages for Lot 1 (Pool of Trainers) and Lot 2 (Pool of Moderators), proposed by the Partner Associations (application sheet, recommendation letter from respective LGAs and APUCs, and CV of the nominated person for trainer or moderator).
The applications have to be submitted in electronic form no later than 20th of May, 2018, at kolic@nalas.eu ;
Please find below the full call and the Application Form. For all questions and additional information please contact Mr. Miodrag Kolić, RCDN Quality Manager at kolic@nalas.eu.