NALAS is looking for the engagement of a Training Service Provider (TSP) for Development of a training package and Delivery of an E-learning course in Diversity Management.
The task is part of a project titled “Strengthening of minorities through practical implementation of municipal structures in the Western Balkans”, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal State of Schleswig Holstein.
The Training Service Provider (Individual expert, Company or CSO) is asked to submit a proposal, by 20 September 2022, 16:00 (CET). The proposal has to be submitted in English language by e-mail, at info@nalas.eu and shall contain the following sections:
1. Technical component
1.1. Training service provider Profile
1.1.1. Portfolio and CV of the expert, along relevant references;
1.1.2. Cover Letter that responds to the section “Trainers Profile” of this TOR (please provide a concise description, one paragraph relating to the section “Sector competence and Professional Experience” that corresponds to the Trainers Portfolio and its relevance for this assignment).
1.1.3. Presentation of the Training Service Provider and its suitability for assignment with detailed description of understanding of assignment;
1.1.4. Proposed operational plan (time line, milestones, meetings etc.) with proposed expert days for each activity.
For download of the complete ToRs and annex 2, please click here:
Annex 2 RCDN Quality Standards for Training Delivery
NALAS ToR 4 Training Service Provider DM_12Sep2022
For annex 1, please connect to this link.