The Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (in the rest of the document referred to as “NALAS”), within the project “Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN)”, supported by SECO and BMZ/GIZ requests proposals from interested individual experts or companies for the provision of professional services to develop NALAS’ Regional Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation Sector and Policy Recommendations for the Local Government Associations in Region of Southeast Europe.
Companies and experts with relevant experience and expertise in water and sanitation sector and development of strategic documents and recommendations are invited to respond to this Request for Proposals.
To be considered, proposals must be received in electronic form not later than 18 February 2022 (Friday), 16:00 (CET) at info@nalas.eu, with Subject: Offer for development of NALAS’ Regional Strategy for WSS Sector and Policy Recommendations.
For all the details, please refer to the Request for Proposals and Terms of Reference below:
RfP-Development of NALAS Regional Strategy and Policy Recomendations in WSS