In early November, NALAS is starting a new delivery of three e-learning courses within NALAS e-Academy:
- Introduction to Gender Mainstreaming at Local Level
- Introduction to Asset Management in the Water Sector
- Disaster Risk Management
The courses will be implemented in a period from 3-6 weeks, depending on the course, starting the first two weeks of November, with an introductory webinar that will explain how the course will work, will introduce the course team and will provide an orientation to the topic. During the duration of the course, participants will learn using modern, interactive, online learning tools, like: case studies, readings, videos, quizzes, assignments, discussion forums, etc.
The first two courses are available in English language, while the third one in Bosnian language. Participation is free of charge for LGAs and their members and participants will receive certificates after successfully completing the course.
Target groups:
-NALAS Advisory Concilium, Task Forces and Groups
-LGAs’ staff
– LGs’ decision makers and staff
-And of course you, the KMAs
For the details about the courses, please see:
NALAS e-courses-Autumn 2018 delivery
If you are interested to take part in the course, please express your interest by contacting the national Association of local authorities (NALAS member) in your respective country ( by 26 October 2018.