The project “Solid waste management in cross-border rural and coastal areas of South Eastern European region” (implemented 2015-2016) was initiated to improve the conceptual and organizational framework conditions for Integrated Solid Waste Management in the rural and coastal areas. Its specific goals were to assess the cross-border adverse environmental and economic impacts and to develop models for integrated solid waste management within the designated pilot areas that are environmentally effective and economically affordable.
The project resulted with several important products:
- Model for Integrated Solid Waste Management in the pilot rural and coastal cross-border region of the Adriatic Sea
- Method for Assessment of Cross-border Adverse Environmental and Economic Impacts
- National and Regional Baseline Reports
- Assessment Report on the Cross Boarder Adverse Environmental and Economic Impact in the Pilot Regions
- Regional Map identifying the hotspots of inappropriate solid waste disposal in the rural areas
- Regional Policy Recommendations on SWM adopted at NALAS General Assembly
For more information about the final project conference, please click HERE.
Download the products:
Process Paper 2: Development and dissemination of models for integrated SWM in the pilot regions
Assessment method, reports and model (English)
Assessment method, reports and model (Albanian)
Assessment method, reports and model (Srb, BH, Cro, Mn)
Policy Recommendations on SWM in costal areas
Regional Maps:
Video presentations of the project:
The project “Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Rural and Coastal Areas” is supported by GIZ ORF MMS.